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VirtualMachines (VM) represent a collection of virtual hardware combined with one or more virtual disk images that can be managed using a Kubernetes cluster, such as vSphere Supervisor, and are scheduled on a VMware hypervisor, such as vSphere.

What is a VM?

VMware defines a VM as:

a compute resource that uses software instead of a physical computer to run programs and deploy apps. One or more virtual “guest” machines run on a physical “host” machine. Each virtual machine runs its own operating system and functions separately from the other VMs, even when they are all running on the same host.

The VM Operator VirtualMachine API enables the lifecycle-management of a VM on an underlying hypervisor. A VM resource's virtual hardware is derived from a VirtualMachineClass (VM Class) and a VirtualMachineImage (VM Image) supplies the VM's disk(s).

Using VMs

The following is an example of a VirtualMachine resource that bootstraps a Photon OS image using Cloud-Init:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  className:    my-vm-class
  imageName:    vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-storage-class
      cloudConfig: {}

Customizing a Guest

Please see this section for more information on the available bootstrap providers tha may be used to bootstrap a guest's host name, network, and further customize the operating system.

To create the VM shown above, run the following command (replacing <NAMESPACE> with the name of the Namespace in which to create the VM):

kubectl apply -n <NAMESPACE> -f

Working with VMs

VMs are scheduled to run on a Node in the cluster. Regardless where VM Operator is running, the Node represents an underlying hypervisor. For example, on vSphere Supervisor a Node represents an ESXi host.

The VM remains on that Node until the VM resource is deleted or, if supported by the underlying platform, the VM is rescheduled on another Node via live-migration (ex. vMotion). There may also be situations where a VM cannot be rescheduled with live-migration due to some hardware dependency. In these instances, depending on how the infrastructure administrator has configured the platform, the VM may be automatically or manually powered off and then powered on again on a compatible Node if one is available. If no other Nodes can support the VM, its controller will continue to try powering on the VM until such time a compatible Node becomes available.

The name of a VM must be a valid DNS subdomain value, but this can produce unexpected results for the VM's host name. For best compatibility, the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a DNS label.

VM Image

The VirtualMachineImage is a namespace-scoped resource from which a VM's disk image(s) is/are derived. This is why the name of a VirtualMachineImage resource must be specified when creating a new VM. It is also possible to deploy a new VM with the cluster-scoped ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource. The following commands may be used to discover the available images:

kubectl get -n <NAMESPACE> vmimage
kubectl get clustervmimage

For more information on VirtualMachineImage and ClusterVirtualMachineImage resources, please see the documentation for VirtualMachineImage.

VM Class

A VirtualMachineClass is a namespace-scoped resource from which a VM's virtual hardware is derived. This is why the name of a VirtualMachineClass is required when creating a VM. The VirtualMachineClass resources available in a given namespace may be discovered with:

kubectl get -n <NAMESPACE> vmclass

For more information on VirtualMachineClass resources, please see the documentation for VirtualMachineClass.

Storage Class

A StorageClass is a cluster-scoped resource that defines a VM's storage policy and is required to create a new VM. The following command may be used to discover a cluster's available StorageClass resources:

kubectl get storageclass

For more information on StorageClass resources, please see the documentation for StorageClass.

Encryption Class

An EncryptionClass is a namespace-scoped resource that defines the key provider and key used to encrypt a VM. The following command may be used to discover a namespace's available EncryptionClass resources:

kubectl get -n <NAMESPACE> encryptionclass

For more information on EncryptionClass resources, please see the Encryption section below.

Supported hardware

Virtual machines deployed and managed by VM Operator support all the same hardware and configuration options as any other VM on vSphere. The only difference is from where the hardware/configuration information is derived:

  • Disks come from an admin or DevOps curated VM image.
  • Hardware comes from an admin-curated VM class as well as the DevOps-provided VM specification.

As long as they are specified in the VM class, features such as virtual GPUs, device groups, and SR-IOV NICs are all supported.

Updating a VM

It is possible to update parts of an existing VirtualMachine resource. Some fields are completely immutable while some can be modified depending on the VM's power state and whether or not the field has already been set to a non-empty value. The following table highlights what fields may or may not be updated and under what conditions:

Update Description While Powered On While Powered Off Not Already Set
spec.imageName The name of the VirtualMachineImage that supplies the VM's disk(s) NA
spec.className The name of the VirtualMachineClass that supplies the VM's virtual hardware NA
spec.powerState The VM's desired power state NA The desired availability zone in which to schedule the VM x x

Some of a VM's hardware resources are derived from the policies defined by your infrastructure administrator, others may be influenced directly by a user.

CPU and Memory

CPU and memory of a VM are derived from the VirtualMachineClass resource used to deploy the VM. Specifically, the spec.configSpec.numCPUs and spec.configSpec.memoryMB properties in the VirtualMachineClass resource dictate the number of CPUs and amount of memory allocated to the VM.

Additionally, an administrator might also define certain policies in a VirtualMachineClass resource in the form of resource reservations or limits. These are vSphere constructs reserve or set a ceiling on resources consumed by a VM. Users may view these policies by inspecting the spec.configSpec.cpuAllocation and spec.configSpec.memoryAllocation fields of a VirtualMachineClass resource.

For an example, consider the following VM Class:

kind: VirtualMachineClass
  name: my-vm-class
    _typeName: VirtualMachineConfigSpec
      _typeName: ResourceAllocationInfo
      limit: 400
      reservation: 200
      _typeName: ResourceAllocationInfo
      limit: 2048
      reservation: 1024
    cpus: 2
    memory: 4Gi

A VM created with this VM class will have 2 CPUs and 4 GiB of memory. Additionally, the VM will be created with a guaranteed CPU bandwidth of 200MHz and 1024 MB of memory. The CPU bandwidth of the VM will never be allowed to exceed 400MHz and the memory will not exceed 2GB.

Units for CPU reservations/limits are in MHz

Please note that the units for CPU are different in hardware and reservations/limits. Virtual hardware is specified in units of vCPUs, whereas CPU reservations/limits are in MHz. Memory can be specified in MiB, GiB, whereas memory reservations/limits are always in MB.


The VM's spec.ClassName field can be edited to point to a different class, causing the VM's virtual hardware configuration to be updated to the new class.

CPU/Memory Resize Only

Currently, only CPU and Memory, and their associated limits and reservations, are updated during a resize. This may change in the future, but at this time, other fields from the class ConfigSpec are not updated during a resize.

The VM must either be powered off or transitioning from powered off to powered on to be resized.

By default, the VM will be resized once to reflect the new class. That is, if the VirtualMachineClass itself is later updated, the VM will not be resized again. The annotation can be added to a VM to resize the VM as the class itself changes.

ClassConfigurationSynced Condition

The condition VirtualMachineClassConfigurationSynced is used to report whether or not the VM's configuration was synchronized to the class. If the configuration it, then the condition will be:

  - type: VirtualMachineClassConfigurationSynced
    status: True
When VirtualMachineClassConfigurationSynced has status: False, the reason field may be set to one of the following values:

Reason Description
ClassNotFound The resource specified with the spec.className field cannot be found.
ClassNameChanged The resource specified with the spec.className field has been changed, and a resize will be performed at the next appropriate power state.
SameClassResize The resource pointed to by the spec.className field has been updated, and a resize will be performed at the next appropriate power state.

If the condition is ever false, please refer first to the condition's reason field and then message for more information.


The field spec.crypto may be used in conjunction with a VM's storage class and/or virtual trusted platform module (vTPM) to control a VM's encryption level.

Encrypting a VM

A VM may be encrypted with either:

  • the default key provider
  • an EncryptionClass resource

Default Key Provider

By default, spec.crypto.useDefaultKeyProvider is true, meaning that if there is a default key provider and the VM has an encryption storage class and/or vTPM, the VM will be subject to some level of encryption. For example, if there was a default key provider present, it would be used to encrypt the following VM:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  namespace: my-namespace
  className:    my-vm-class
  imageName:    vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-encrypted-storage-class


It is also possible to set spec.crypto.encryptionClassName to the name of an EncryptionClass resource in the same namespace as the VM. This resource specifies the provider and key ID used to encrypt workloads. For example, the following VM would be deployed and encrypted using the EncryptionClass named my-encryption-class:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  namespace: my-namespace
  className:    my-vm-class
  imageName:    vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-encrypted-storage-class
    encryptionClassName: my-encryption-class

Rekeying a VM

Users can rekey VMs and their classic disks by:

  • Switching to a different EncryptionClass by changing the value of spec.crypto.encryptionClassName.
  • Using the default key provider, if one exists, by removing spec.crypto.encryptionClassName.

Either change results in the VM and its classic disks being rekeyed using the new key provider.

Decrypting a VM

It is not possible to decrypt an encrypted VM using VM Operator.

Encryption Status

The following fields may be used to determine the encryption status of a VM:

Name Description
status.crypto.encrypted The observed state of the VM's encryption. May be Config, Disks, or both.
status.crypto.providerID The provider ID used to encrypt the VM.
status.crypto.keyID The key ID used to encrypt the VM.

For example, the following is an example of the status of a VM encrypted with an encryption storage class:

    - Config
    - Disks
    providerID: my-key-provider-id
    keyID: my-key-id

Encryption Type

The type of encryption used by the VM is reported in the list status.crypto.encrypted. The list may contain the values Config and/or Disks, depending on the storage class and hardware present in the VM as the chart below illustrates:

Config Disks
Encryption storage class

The Config type refers to all files related to a VM except for virtual disks. The Disks type indicates at least one of a VM's virtual disks is encrypted. To determine which of the VM's disks are encrypted, please refer to status.volumes[].crypto.

EncryptionSynced Condition

The condition VirtualMachineEncryptionSynced is also used to report whether or not the VM's desired encryption state was synchronized. For example, a VM that should be encrypted but is powered on may have the following condition:

  - type: VirtualMachineEncryptionSynced
    status: False
    reason: InvalidState
    message: Must be powered off to encrypt VM.

If the VM requested encryption and it was successful, then the condition will be:

  - type: VirtualMachineEncryptionSynced
    status: True

When VirtualMachineEncryptionSynced has status: False, the reason field may be set to one of or combination of the following values:

Reason Description
EncryptionClassNotFound The resource specified with spec.crypto.encryptionClassName cannot be found.
EncryptionClassInvalid The resource specified with spec.crypto.encryptionClassName contains an invalid provider and/or key ID.
InvalidState The VM cannot be encrypted, rekeyed, or updated in its current state.
InvalidChanges The VM has pending changes that would prohibit an encrypt, rekey, or update operation.
ReconfigureError An encrypt, rekey, or update operation was attempted but failed due to a reason related to encryption.

If the condition is ever false, please refer first to the condition's reason field and then message for more information.


The field may be used to configure networking for a VirtualMachine resource.

Immutable Network Configuration

Currently, the VM's network configuration is immutable after the VM is deployed. This may change in the future, but at this time, if the VM's network settings need to be updated, the VM must be redeployed.

Disable Networking

It is possible to disable a VM's networking entirely by setting to true. This ensures the VM is not configured with any network interfaces. Please note this field currently has no effect on VMs that are already deployed.

Global Guest Network Configuration

There are several options which may be used to influence the guest's global networking configuration. The term global is in contrast to per network interface. Support for these fields depends on the bootstrap provider:

Field Description Cloud-Init LinuxPrep Sysprep The guest's host name The guest's domain name A list DNS server IP addresses A list of DNS search domains

Network Interfaces

The field describes one or more network interfaces to add to the VM, ex.:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  namespace: my-namespace
  className:    my-vm-class
  imageName:    vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-storage-class
    - name: eth0
    - name: eth1

Default Network Interface

If is not specified when deploying a VM, a default network interface is added unless is true.

Network Adapter Type

The VirtualMachineClass used to deploy a VM determines the type for the VM's network adapters. If the number of interfaces for a VirtualMachine exceeds the number of interfaces in a VirtualMachineClass, the VirtualVmxnet3 type is used for the additional interfaces. For example, consider the following VirtualMachineClass that specifies two different network interfaces:

kind: VirtualMachineClass
  name: my-vm-class
  namespace: my-namespace
    _typeName: VirtualMachineConfigSpec
    - _typeName: VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
        _typeName: VirtualE1000
        key: -100
      operation: add
    - _typeName: VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
        _typeName: VirtualVmxnet2
        key: -200
      operation: add
    cpus: 2
    memory: 4Gi

What happens when the following VM is deployed with the above class?

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  namespace: my-namespace
  className: my-vm-class
  imageName: vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-storage-class
    - name: eth0
    - name: eth1
    - name: eth2

The first two network interfaces in the VM are configured using the VM class. The third interface is configured using VirtualVmxnet3. In other words:

Interface Type
eth0 VirtualE1000
eth1 VirtualVmxnet2
eth2 VirtualVmxnet3

Per-Interface Guest Network Configuration

There are several options which may be used to influence the guest's per-interface networking configuration. Support for these fields depends on the bootstrap provider.

Field Description Cloud-Init LinuxPrep Sysprep[].guestDeviceName The name of the interface in the guest[].addresses The IP4 and IP6 addresses (with prefix length) for the interface[].dhcp4 Enables DHCP4[].dhcp6 Enables DHCP6[].gateway4 The IP4 address of the gateway for the IP4 address family[].gateway6 The IP6 address of the gateway for the IP6 address family[].mtu The maximum transmission unit size in bytes[].nameservers A list of DNS server IP addresses[].routes A list of static routes[].searchDomains A list of DNS search domains

Underlying Network Support

Please note support for the fields[].addresses,[].dhcp4, and[].dhcp6 depends on the underlying network.

Intended Network Config

Deploying a VM also normally means bootstrapping the guest with a valid network configuration. But what if the guest does not include a bootstrap engine, or the one included is not supported by VM Operator? Enter Normally a Kubernetes resource's status contains observed state. However, in the case of the VM's field, the data represents the intended network configuration. For example, the following YAML illustrates a VM deployed with a single network interface:

kind: VirtualMachine
  name: my-vm
  namespace: my-namespace
  className: my-vm-class
  imageName: vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
  storageClass: my-storage-class
    - name: eth0

After being reconciled, the VM's status may resemble the following:

        hostName: my-vm
      - name: eth0

The above data does not represent the observed network configuration of the VM, but rather the network configuration that was provided to the VM in order to bootstrap the guest. The information itself is derived from several locations:

Field Source From if non-empty, otherwise from From if non-empty[] From[] if non-empty, otherwise from the ConfigMap used to initialize VM Operator[] From[] is used if non-empty, otherwise from the ConfigMap used to initialize VM Operator[] There will be an interface for every corresponding interface in[][].name From the corresponding[].name[].dns.nameservers[] From the corresponding[].nameservers[][].dns.searchDomains[] From the corresponding[].searchDomains[][].ip.addresses[] From the corresponding[].addresses[] if non-empty, otherwise from IPAM unless the connected network is configured to use DHCP4 and DHCP6, in which case this field will be empty[].ip.dhcp.ip4.enabled From the corresponding[].dhcp4 if true, otherwise true if the connected network is configured to use DHCP4[].ip.dhcp.ip6.enabled From the corresponding[].dhcp6 if true, otherwise true if the connected network is configured to use DHCP6[].ip.gateway4 From the corresponding[].gateway4 if non-empty, otherwise from IPAM unless the connected network is configured to use DHCP4, in which case this field will be empty[].ip.gateway6 From the corresponding[].gateway6 if non-empty, otherwise from IPAM unless the connected network is configured to use DHCP6, in which case this field will be empty


A VM deployed from a VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage inherit the disk(s) from those images. Additional storage may also be provided by using PersistentVolumes.

Storage Usage

The following fields summarize a VirtualMachine resource's overall storage usage:

Name Description The total storage space committed to this VirtualMachine. The total storage space potentially used by this VirtualMachine The total storage space occupied by this VirtualMachine that is not shared with any other VirtualMachine.

For example, the following illustrates the storage usage for a VirtualMachine:

    committed: 6Gi
    uncommitted: 7Gi
    unshared: 2Gi

Individual volume usage may be determined by inspecting status.volumes.

Storage Quota

VirtualMachine resources on a vSphere Supervisor must adhere to the namespace's storage quota:

Storage Quota Reservation

Deploying a VirtualMachine resource will fail an admission check unless the total capacity required by the disk(s) from the VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage is less than or equal to the amount of free space available in the namespace according to its storage quota. For example, consider the following:

  • A VM is deployed from an image that has a disk which is only 2Gi in size, but has the capacity to grow to 100Gi.
  • The storage quota for the namespace is 500Gi and there is currently only 50Gi available.

The VM in the above scenario will fail the admission check. While the image's disk is only 2Gi in size and there are 50Gi of free space in the namespace, the disk's total capacity is 100Gi, which exceeds the quota.

Storage Quota Usage

Deployed VirtualMachine resources contribute to the total storage usage in a given namespace. The usage of a VirtualMachine is not calculated based on the total possible space the VM _can_consume, rather usage is the total number of unshared bytes on disk used by a VirtualMachine less the space used by any of the VM's managed volumes. For example, consider the following:

  • A VM is using 2Gi of unshared space.
  • The VM has three volumes, two of which are managed that, combined, consume 1Gi.

In the above scenario, the VM's total usage will be reported as 1Gi.


A VirtualMachine resource's disks are referred to as volumes.

Volume Type

There are two types of volumes: Managed and Classic:

  • Managed volumes refer to storage that is provided by PersistentVolumes.
  • Classic volumes refer to the disk(s) that came from the VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage from which the VirtualMachine was deployed.

Adding Volumes

Adding Classic Volumes

There is no support for adding classic vSphere disks directly to VirtualMachine resources. Additional storage must be provided by managed volumes, i.e. PersistentVolumeClaims.

Adding Managed Volumes

The following steps describe how to provide additional storage with PersistentVolumes:

  1. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim resource by picking a StorageClass associated with the namespace in which the VM exists:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: my-pvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
      volumeMode: Filesystem
          storage: 8Gi
      storageClassName: my-storage-class
  2. Update the VM's spec.volumes field with a new volume that references the PVC:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: my-vm
      namespace: my-namespace
      className:    my-vm-class
      imageName:    vmi-0a0044d7c690bcbea
      storageClass: my-storage-class
      - name: my-disk-1
          claimName: my-pvc
  3. Wait for the new volume to be provisioned and attached to the VM.

  4. SSH into the guest.

  5. Format the new disk with desired filesystem.

  6. Mount the disk and begin using it.

Volume Status

The field status.volumes described the observed state of a VirtualMachine resource's volumes, including information about the volume's usage and encryption properties:

Name Description
attached Whether or not the volume has been successfully attached to the VirtualMachine.
crypto An optional field set only if the volume is encrypted.
diskUUID The unique identifier of the volume's underlying disk.
error The last observed error that may have occurred when attaching/detaching the disk.
limit The maximum amount of space that may be used by this volume.
name The name of the volume. For managed disks this is the name from spec.volumes and for classic disks this is the name of the underlying disk.
type The type of the attached volume, i.e. either Classic or Managed
used The total storage space occupied by this VirtualMachine that is not shared with any other VirtualMachine.

If the field crypto is set, it will contain the following information:

Name Description
keyID The identifier of the key used to encrypt the volume.
providerID The identifier of the provider used to encrypt the volume.

The following example shows the status for a single, classic, encrypted volume:

  - attached: true
      keyID: "19"
      providerID: gce2e-standard
    diskUUID: 6000C295-760e-e736-3a10-1395a8749300
    limit: 10Gi
    name: my-vm
    type: Classic
    used: 2Gi

The status may also reflect multiple volumes, both classic and managed:

  - attached: true
      keyID: "19"
      providerID: gce2e-standard
    diskUUID: 6000C295-760e-e736-3a10-1395a8749300
    limit: 10Gi
    name: my-vm
    type: Classic
    used: 2Gi
  - attached: true
    diskUUID: 6000C299-8a21-f2ad-7084-2195c255f905
    limit: 1Gi
    name: my-disk-1
    type: Managed
    used: "0"

Power Management

Power States

On, Off, & Suspend

The field spec.powerState controls the power state of a VM and may be set to one of the following values:

Power State Description
PoweredOn Powers on a powered off VM or resumes a suspended VM
PoweredOff Powers off a powered on or suspended VM (controlled by spec.powerOffMode)
Suspended Suspends a powered on VM (controlled by spec.suspendMode)


It is possible to restart a powered on VM by setting spec.nextRestartTime to now (case-insensitive). A mutating webhook transforms now into an RFC3339Nano-formatted string. During the VM's reconciliation, the value of spec.nextRestartTime is compared to the last time the VM was restarted by VM Operator. If spec.nextRestartTime occurs after the last time a restart occurred, then the VM is restarted in accordance with spec.restartMode.

Please note that it is not possible to schedule future restarts by assigning an explicit RFC3339Nano-formatted string to spec.nextRestartTime. The only valid values for spec.nextRestartTime are an empty string when creating a VM and now (case-insensitive) when updating/patching an existing VM.

Default Power State on Create

When updating a VM's power state, an empty string is not allowed -- the desired power state must be specified explicitly. However, on create, the VM's power state may be omitted. When this occurs, the power state defaults to PoweredOn.


Please note that there are supported power state transitions, and if a power state is requested that is not a supported transition, an error will be returned from a validating webhook.

Desired Power Operations
Observed Power State Power On / Resume Power Off Suspend Restart
PoweredOn NA
PoweredOff NA
if spec.powerOffMode: Hard
Suspended NA

Power Op Mode

The fields spec.powerOffMode, spec.suspendMode, and spec.restartMode control how a VM is powered off, suspended, and restarted:

Mode Description Default
Hard Halts, suspends, or restarts the VM with no interaction with the guest
Soft The guest is shutdown, suspended, or restarted gracefully (requires VM Tools)
TrySoft Attempts a graceful shutdown/standby/restart if VM Tools is present, otherwise falls back to a hard operation the VM has not achieved the desired power state after five minutes.


In addition to the VirtualMachine resource's object name, i.e., there are several other methods by which a VM can be identified:


The field spec.biosUUID defaults to a random V4 UUID. This field is immutable and may only be set manually when creating a VM by a privileged user, such as a service account. The value of spec.biosUUID is generally unique across all VMs running in a hypervisor, but there may be cases where it is duplicated, such as when a backed-up VM is restored to a new VM. The value of spec.biosUUID is assigned to a vSphere VM's config.uuid property, which is why it is possible to discover a vSphere VM with this value using the following command:

govc -vm.uuid $(k get vm -o jsonpath='{.spec.biosUUID}' -n $ns $name)

Instance UUID

The field spec.biosUUID defaults to a random V4 UUID. This field is immutable and may only be set manually when creating a VM by a privileged user, such as a service account. The instance UUID is used by vSphere to uniquely identify all VMs, including those that may share the same BIOS UUID. The value of spec.instanceUUID is assigned to a vSphere VM's config.instanceUUID property, which is why it is possible to discover a vSphere VM with this value using the following command:

govc -vm.uuid $(k get vm -o jsonpath='{.spec.instanceUUID}' -n $ns $name)

Guest OS

Guest ID

The optional field spec.guestID that may be used when deploying a VM to specify its guest operating system identifier. This field may also be updated when a VM is powered off. The value of this field is derived from the list of supported guest identifiers. The following command may be used to query the currently supported guest identifiers for a given vSphere environment:

govc -cluster CLUSTER_NAME

The above command will emit output similar to the following:

almalinux_64Guest           AlmaLinux (64-bit)
rockylinux_64Guest          Rocky Linux (64-bit)
windows2022srvNext_64Guest  Microsoft Windows Server 2025 (64-bit)