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Package v1alpha3 is one of the schemas for VM Operator.



ClusterVirtualMachineImage is the schema for the clustervirtualmachineimages API.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ClusterVirtualMachineImage
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineImageSpec
status VirtualMachineImageStatus


VirtualMachine is the schema for the virtualmachines API and represents the desired state and observed status of a virtualmachines resource.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineTemplate

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachine
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineSpec
status VirtualMachineStatus


VirtualMachineClass is the schema for the virtualmachineclasses API and represents the desired state and observed status of a virtualmachineclasses resource.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineClass
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineClassSpec
status VirtualMachineClassStatus


VirtualMachineImage is the schema for the virtualmachineimages API.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineImage
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineImageSpec
status VirtualMachineImageStatus


VirtualMachinePublishRequest defines the information necessary to publish a VirtualMachine as a VirtualMachineImage to an image registry.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachinePublishRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachinePublishRequestSpec
status VirtualMachinePublishRequestStatus


VirtualMachineReplicaSet is the schema for the virtualmachinereplicasets API

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineReplicaSet
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineReplicaSetSpec
status VirtualMachineReplicaSetStatus


VirtualMachineService is the Schema for the virtualmachineservices API.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineService
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineServiceSpec
status VirtualMachineServiceStatus


VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy is the Schema for the virtualmachinesetresourcepolicies API.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicySpec
status VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicyStatus


VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequest allows the creation of a one-time, web console connection to a VM.

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequest
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequestSpec
status VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequestStatus



DynamicDirectPathIODevice contains the configuration corresponding to a Dynamic DirectPath I/O device.

Appears in: - VirtualDevices

Field Description
vendorID integer
deviceID integer
customLabel string


GuestHeartbeatAction describes an action based on the guest heartbeat.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReadinessProbeSpec

Field Description
thresholdStatus GuestHeartbeatStatus ThresholdStatus is the value that the guest heartbeat status must be at or above to be
considered successful.


Underlying type: string

GuestHeartbeatStatus is the guest heartbeat status.

Appears in: - GuestHeartbeatAction


GuestInfoAction describes a key from GuestInfo that must match the associated value expression.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReadinessProbeSpec

Field Description
key string Key is the name of the GuestInfo key.

The key is automatically prefixed with "guestinfo." before being evaluated. Thus if the key "guestinfo.mykey" is provided, it will be evaluated as "guestinfo.guestinfo.mykey". | | value string | Value is a regular expression that is matched against the value of the specified key.

An empty value is the equivalent of "match any" or ".*".

All values must adhere to the RE2 regular expression syntax as documented at Invalid values may be rejected or ignored depending on the implementation of this API. Either way, invalid values will not be considered when evaluating the ready state of a VM. |


InstanceStorage provides information used to configure instance storage volumes for a VirtualMachine.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClassHardware

Field Description
storageClass string StorageClass refers to the name of a StorageClass resource used to
provide the storage for the configured instance storage volumes.
The value of this field has no relationship to or bearing on the field
virtualMachine.spec.storageClass. Please note the referred StorageClass
must be available in the same namespace as the VirtualMachineClass that
uses it for configuring instance storage.
volumes InstanceStorageVolume array Volumes describes instance storage volumes created for a VirtualMachine
instance that use this VirtualMachineClass.


InstanceStorageVolume contains information required to create an instance storage volume on a VirtualMachine.

Appears in: - InstanceStorage

Field Description
size Quantity


InstanceVolumeClaimVolumeSource contains information about the instance storage volume claimed as a PVC.

Appears in: - PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource

Field Description
storageClass string StorageClass is the name of the Kubernetes StorageClass that provides
the backing storage for this instance storage volume.
size Quantity Size is the size of the requested instance storage volume.


LoadBalancerIngress represents the status of a load balancer ingress point: traffic intended for the service should be sent to an ingress point. IP or Hostname may both be set in this structure. It is up to the consumer to determine which field should be used when accessing this LoadBalancer.

Appears in: - LoadBalancerStatus

Field Description
ip string IP is set for load balancer ingress points that are specified by an IP
hostname string Hostname is set for load balancer ingress points that are specified by a
DNS address.


LoadBalancerStatus represents the status of a load balancer.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineServiceStatus

Field Description
ingress LoadBalancerIngress array Ingress is a list containing ingress addresses for the load balancer.
Traffic intended for the service should be sent to any of these ingress


NetworkDeviceStatus defines the network interface IP configuration including gateway, subnet mask and IP address as seen by OVF properties.

Appears in: - NetworkStatus

Field Description
Gateway4 string Gateway4 is the gateway for the IPv4 address family for this device.
MacAddress string MacAddress is the MAC address of the network device.
IPAddresses string array IpAddresses represents one or more IP addresses assigned to the network
device in CIDR notation, ex. "".


NetworkStatus describes the observed state of the VM's network configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineTemplate

Field Description
Devices NetworkDeviceStatus array Devices describe a list of current status information for each
network interface that is desired to be attached to the
Nameservers string array Nameservers describe a list of the DNS servers accessible by one of the
VM's configured network devices.


OVFProperty describes an OVF property associated with an image. OVF properties may be used in conjunction with the vAppConfig bootstrap provider to customize a VM during its creation.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineImageStatus

Field Description
key string Key describes the OVF property's key.
type string Type describes the OVF property's type.
default string Default describes the OVF property's default value.


PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource is a composite for the Kubernetes corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource and instance storage options.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineVolume - VirtualMachineVolumeSource

Field Description
claimName string claimName is the name of a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace as the pod using this volume.
More info:
readOnly boolean readOnly Will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.
Default false.
instanceVolumeClaim InstanceVolumeClaimVolumeSource InstanceVolumeClaim is set if the PVC is backed by instance storage.


ResourcePoolSpec defines a Logical Grouping of workloads that share resource policies.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicySpec

Field Description
name string Name describes the name of the ResourcePool grouping.
reservations VirtualMachineResourceSpec Reservations describes the guaranteed resources reserved for the
limits VirtualMachineResourceSpec Limits describes the limit to resources available to the ResourcePool.


TCPSocketAction describes an action based on opening a socket.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReadinessProbeSpec

Field Description
port IntOrString Port specifies a number or name of the port to access on the VM.
If the format of port is a number, it must be in the range 1 to 65535.
If the format of name is a string, it must be an IANA_SVC_NAME.
host string Host is an optional host name to connect to. Host defaults to the VM IP.


VGPUDevice contains the configuration corresponding to a vGPU device.

Appears in: - VirtualDevices

Field Description
profileName string


VSphereClusterModuleStatus describes the observed state of a vSphere cluster module.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicyStatus

Field Description
groupName string
moduleUUID string
clusterMoID string


VirtualDevices contains information about the virtual devices associated with a VirtualMachineClass.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClassHardware

Field Description
vgpuDevices VGPUDevice array
dynamicDirectPathIODevices DynamicDirectPathIODevice array


VirtualMachineAdvancedSpec describes a set of optional, advanced VM configuration options.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
bootDiskCapacity Quantity BootDiskCapacity is the capacity of the VM's boot disk -- the first disk
from the VirtualMachineImage from which the VM was deployed.

Please note it is not advised to change this value while the VM is running. Also, resizing the VM's boot disk may require actions inside of the guest to take advantage of the additional capacity. Finally, changing the size of the VM's boot disk, even increasing it, could adversely affect the VM.

Please note this field is ignored if the VM is deployed from an ISO with CD-ROM devices attached. | | defaultVolumeProvisioningMode VirtualMachineVolumeProvisioningMode | DefaultVolumeProvisioningMode specifies the default provisioning mode for persistent volumes managed by this VM. | | changeBlockTracking boolean | ChangeBlockTracking is a flag that enables incremental backup support for this VM, a feature utilized by external backup systems such as VMware Data Recovery. |


VirtualMachineBootstrapCloudInitSpec describes the CloudInit configuration used to bootstrap the VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec

Field Description
instanceID string InstanceID is the cloud-init metadata instance ID.
If omitted, this field defaults to the VM's BiosUUID.
cloudConfig CloudConfig CloudConfig describes a subset of a Cloud-Init CloudConfig, used to
bootstrap the VM.

Please note this field and RawCloudConfig are mutually exclusive. | | rawCloudConfig SecretKeySelector | RawCloudConfig describes a key in a Secret resource that contains the CloudConfig data used to bootstrap the VM.

The CloudConfig data specified by the key may be plain-text, base64-encoded, or gzipped and base64-encoded.

Please note this field and CloudConfig are mutually exclusive. | | sshAuthorizedKeys string array | SSHAuthorizedKeys is a list of public keys that CloudInit will apply to the guest's default user. | | useGlobalNameserversAsDefault boolean | UseGlobalNameserversAsDefault will use the global nameservers specified in the NetworkSpec as the per-interface nameservers when the per-interface nameservers is not provided.

Defaults to true if omitted. | | useGlobalSearchDomainsAsDefault boolean | UseGlobalSearchDomainsAsDefault will use the global search domains specified in the NetworkSpec as the per-interface search domains when the per-interface search domains is not provided.

Defaults to true if omitted. |


VirtualMachineBootstrapLinuxPrepSpec describes the LinuxPrep configuration used to bootstrap the VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec

Field Description
hardwareClockIsUTC boolean HardwareClockIsUTC specifies whether the hardware clock is in UTC or
local time.
timeZone string TimeZone is a case-sensitive timezone, such as Europe/Sofia.

Valid values are based on the tz (timezone) database used by Linux and other Unix systems. The values are strings in the form of "Area/Location," in which Area is a continent or ocean name, and Location is the city, island, or other regional designation.

Please see for a list of valid time zones for Linux systems. |


VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec defines the desired state of a VM's bootstrap configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
cloudInit VirtualMachineBootstrapCloudInitSpec CloudInit may be used to bootstrap Linux guests with Cloud-Init or
Windows guests that support Cloudbase-Init.

The guest's networking stack is configured by Cloud-Init on Linux guests and Cloudbase-Init on Windows guests.

Please note this bootstrap provider may not be used in conjunction with the other bootstrap providers. | | linuxPrep VirtualMachineBootstrapLinuxPrepSpec | LinuxPrep may be used to bootstrap Linux guests.

The guest's networking stack is configured by Guest OS Customization (GOSC).

Please note this bootstrap provider may be used in conjunction with the VAppConfig bootstrap provider when wanting to configure the guest's network with GOSC but also send vApp/OVF properties into the guest.

This bootstrap provider may not be used in conjunction with the CloudInit or Sysprep bootstrap providers. | | sysprep VirtualMachineBootstrapSysprepSpec | Sysprep may be used to bootstrap Windows guests.

The guest's networking stack is configured by Guest OS Customization (GOSC).

Please note this bootstrap provider may be used in conjunction with the VAppConfig bootstrap provider when wanting to configure the guest's network with GOSC but also send vApp/OVF properties into the guest.

This bootstrap provider may not be used in conjunction with the CloudInit or LinuxPrep bootstrap providers. | | vAppConfig VirtualMachineBootstrapVAppConfigSpec | VAppConfig may be used to bootstrap guests that rely on vApp properties (how VMware surfaces OVF properties on guests) to transport data into the guest.

The guest's networking stack may be configured using either vApp properties or GOSC.

Many OVFs define one or more properties that are used by the guest to bootstrap its networking stack. If the VirtualMachineImage defines one or more properties like this, then they can be configured to use the network data provided for this VM at runtime by setting these properties to Go template strings.

It is also possible to use GOSC to bootstrap this VM's network stack by configuring either the LinuxPrep or Sysprep bootstrap providers.

Please note the VAppConfig bootstrap provider in conjunction with the LinuxPrep bootstrap provider is the equivalent of setting the v1alpha1 VM metadata transport to "OvfEnv".

This bootstrap provider may not be used in conjunction with the CloudInit bootstrap provider. |


VirtualMachineBootstrapSysprepSpec describes the Sysprep configuration used to bootstrap the VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec

Field Description
sysprep Sysprep Sysprep is an object representation of a Windows sysprep.xml answer file.

This field encloses all the individual keys listed in a sysprep.xml file.

For more detailed information please see

Please note this field and RawSysprep are mutually exclusive. | | rawSysprep SecretKeySelector | RawSysprep describes a key in a Secret resource that contains an XML string of the Sysprep text used to bootstrap the VM.

The data specified by the Secret key may be plain-text, base64-encoded, or gzipped and base64-encoded.

Please note this field and Sysprep are mutually exclusive. |


VirtualMachineBootstrapVAppConfigSpec describes the vApp configuration used to bootstrap the VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec

Field Description
properties KeyValueOrSecretKeySelectorPair array Properties is a list of vApp/OVF property key/value pairs.

Please note this field and RawProperties are mutually exclusive. | | rawProperties string | RawProperties is the name of a Secret resource in the same Namespace as this VM where each key/value pair from the Secret is used as a vApp key/value pair.

Please note this field and Properties are mutually exclusive. |


VirtualMachineCdromSpec describes the desired state of a CD-ROM device.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
name string Name consists of at least two lowercase letters or digits of this CD-ROM.
It must be unique among all CD-ROM devices attached to the VM.

This field is immutable when the VM is powered on. | | image VirtualMachineImageRef | Image describes the reference to an ISO type VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource used as the backing for the CD-ROM. If the image kind is omitted, it defaults to VirtualMachineImage.

This field is immutable when the VM is powered on.

Please note, unlike the spec.imageName field, the value of this MUST be a Kubernetes object name. | | connected boolean | Connected describes the desired connection state of the CD-ROM device.

When true, the CD-ROM device is added and connected to the VM. If the device already exists, it is updated to a connected state.

When explicitly set to false, the CD-ROM device is added but remains disconnected from the VM. If the CD-ROM device already exists, it is updated to a disconnected state.

Note: Before disconnecting a CD-ROM, the device may need to be unmounted in the guest OS. Refer to the following KB article for more details:

Defaults to true if omitted. | | allowGuestControl boolean | AllowGuestControl describes whether or not a web console connection may be used to connect/disconnect the CD-ROM device.

Defaults to true if omitted. |


VirtualMachineClassHardware describes a virtual hardware resource specification.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClassSpec

Field Description
cpus integer
memory Quantity
devices VirtualDevices
instanceStorage InstanceStorage


VirtualMachineClassPolicies describes the policy configuration to be used by a VirtualMachineClass.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClassSpec

Field Description
resources VirtualMachineClassResources


VirtualMachineClassResources describes the virtual hardware resource reservations and limits configuration to be used by a VirtualMachineClass.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClassPolicies

Field Description
requests VirtualMachineResourceSpec
limits VirtualMachineResourceSpec


VirtualMachineClassSpec defines the desired state of VirtualMachineClass.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClass

Field Description
controllerName string ControllerName describes the name of the controller responsible for
reconciling VirtualMachine resources that are realized from this

When omitted, controllers reconciling VirtualMachine resources determine the default controller name from the environment variable DEFAULT_VM_CLASS_CONTROLLER_NAME. If this environment variable is not defined or empty, it defaults to

Once a non-empty value is assigned to this field, attempts to set this field to an empty value will be silently ignored. | | hardware VirtualMachineClassHardware | Hardware describes the configuration of the VirtualMachineClass attributes related to virtual hardware. The configuration specified in this field is used to customize the virtual hardware characteristics of any VirtualMachine associated with this VirtualMachineClass. | | policies VirtualMachineClassPolicies | Policies describes the configuration of the VirtualMachineClass attributes related to virtual infrastructure policy. The configuration specified in this field is used to customize various policies related to infrastructure resource consumption. | | description string | Description describes the configuration of the VirtualMachineClass which is not related to virtual hardware or infrastructure policy. This field is used to address remaining specs about this VirtualMachineClass. | | configSpec RawMessage | ConfigSpec describes additional configuration information for a VirtualMachine. The contents of this field are the VirtualMachineConfigSpec data object ( marshaled to JSON using the discriminator field "typeName" to preserve type information. | | reservedProfileID _string | ReservedProfileID describes the reservation profile associated with the namespace-scoped VirtualMachineClass object. | | reservedSlots integer | ReservedSlots describes the number of slots reserved for VMs that use this VirtualMachineClass. This field is only valid in conjunction with reservedProfileID. |


VirtualMachineClassStatus defines the observed state of VirtualMachineClass.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineClass


VirtualMachineCryptoSpec defines the desired state of a VirtualMachine's encryption state.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
encryptionClassName string EncryptionClassName describes the name of the EncryptionClass resource
used to encrypt this VM.

Please note, this field is not required to encrypt the VM. If the underlying platform has a default key provider, the VM may still be fully or partially encrypted depending on the specified storage and VM classes.

If there is a default key provider and an encryption storage class is selected, the files in the VM's home directory and non-PVC virtual disks will be encrypted

If there is a default key provider and a VM Class with a virtual, trusted platform module (vTPM) is selected, the files in the VM's home directory, minus any virtual disks, will be encrypted.

If the underlying vSphere platform does not have a default key provider, then this field is required when specifying an encryption storage class and/or a VM Class with a vTPM.

If this field is set, spec.storageClass must use an encryption-enabled storage class. | | useDefaultKeyProvider boolean | UseDefaultKeyProvider describes the desired behavior for when an explicit EncryptionClass is not provided.

When an explicit EncryptionClass is not provided and this value is true:

  • Deploying a VirtualMachine with an encryption storage policy or vTPM will be encrypted using the default key provider.

  • If a VirtualMachine is not encrypted, uses an encryption storage policy or has a virtual, trusted platform module (vTPM), there is a default key provider, the VM will be encrypted using the default key provider.

  • If a VirtualMachine is encrypted with a provider other than the default key provider, the VM will be rekeyed using the default key provider.

When an explicit EncryptionClass is not provided and this value is false:

  • Deploying a VirtualMachine with an encryption storage policy or vTPM will fail.

  • If a VirtualMachine is encrypted with a provider other than the default key provider, the VM will be not be rekeyed.

Please note, this could result in a VirtualMachine that cannot be powered on since it is encrypted using a provider or key that may have been removed. Without the key, the VM cannot be decrypted and thus cannot be powered on.

Defaults to true if omitted. |


Appears in: - VirtualMachineStatus

Field Description
encrypted VirtualMachineEncryptionType array Encrypted describes the observed state of the VirtualMachine's
encryption. There may be two values in this list:
  • Config -- This refers to all of the files related to a VM except any virtual disks.
  • Disks -- This refers to at least one of the VM's attached disks. To determine the encryption state of the individual disks, please refer to status.volumes[].crypto. | | providerID string | ProviderID describes the provider ID used to encrypt the VirtualMachine. Please note, this field will be empty if the VirtualMachine is not encrypted. | | keyID string | KeyID describes the key ID used to encrypt the VirtualMachine. Please note, this field will be empty if the VirtualMachine is not encrypted. |


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - VirtualMachineCryptoStatus


VirtualMachineImageDiskInfo describes information about any disks associated with this image.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineImageStatus

Field Description
capacity Quantity Capacity is the virtual disk capacity in bytes.
size Quantity Size is the estimated populated size of the virtual disk in bytes.


VirtualMachineImageOSInfo describes the image's guest operating system.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineImageStatus

Field Description
id string ID describes the operating system ID.

This value is also added to the image resource's labels as VirtualMachineImageOSIDLabel. | | type string | Type describes the operating system type.

This value is also added to the image resource's labels as VirtualMachineImageOSTypeLabel. | | version string | Version describes the operating system version.

This value is also added to the image resource's labels as VirtualMachineImageOSVersionLabel. |


VirtualMachineImageProductInfo describes product information for an image.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineImageStatus

Field Description
product string Product is a general descriptor for the image.
vendor string Vendor describes the organization/user that produced the image.
version string Version describes the short-form version of the image.
fullVersion string FullVersion describes the long-form version of the image.


Appears in: - VirtualMachineCdromSpec - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
kind string Kind describes the type of image, either a namespace-scoped
VirtualMachineImage or cluster-scoped ClusterVirtualMachineImage.
name string Name refers to the name of a VirtualMachineImage resource in the same
namespace as this VM or a cluster-scoped ClusterVirtualMachineImage.


VirtualMachineImageSpec defines the desired state of VirtualMachineImage.

Appears in: - ClusterVirtualMachineImage - VirtualMachineImage

Field Description
providerRef LocalObjectRef ProviderRef is a reference to the resource that contains the source of
this image's information.


VirtualMachineImageStatus defines the observed state of VirtualMachineImage.

Appears in: - ClusterVirtualMachineImage - VirtualMachineImage

Field Description
name string Name describes the display name of this image.
capabilities string array Capabilities describes the image's observed capabilities.

The capabilities are discerned when VM Operator reconciles an image. If the source of an image is an OVF in Content Library, then the capabilities are parsed from the OVF property as a comma-separated list of values. Well-known capabilities include:

  • cloud-init
  • nvidia-gpu
  • sriov-net

Every capability is also added to the resource's labels as VirtualMachineImageCapabilityLabel + Value. For example, if the capability is "cloud-init" then the following label will be added to the resource: | | firmware string | Firmware describe the firmware type used by this image, ex. BIOS, EFI. | | hardwareVersion integer | HardwareVersion describes the observed hardware version of this image. | | osInfo VirtualMachineImageOSInfo | OSInfo describes the observed operating system information for this image.

The OS information is also added to the image resource's labels. Please refer to VirtualMachineImageOSInfo for more information. | | ovfProperties OVFProperty array | OVFProperties describes the observed user configurable OVF properties defined for this image. | | vmwareSystemProperties KeyValuePair array | VMwareSystemProperties describes the observed VMware system properties defined for this image. | | productInfo VirtualMachineImageProductInfo | ProductInfo describes the observed product information for this image. | | disks VirtualMachineImageDiskInfo array | Disks describes the observed disk information for this image. | | providerContentVersion string | ProviderContentVersion describes the content version from the provider item that this image corresponds to. If the provider of this image is a Content Library, this will be the version of the corresponding Content Library item. | | providerItemID string | ProviderItemID describes the ID of the provider item that this image corresponds to. If the provider of this image is a Content Library, this ID will be that of the corresponding Content Library item. | | conditions Condition array | Conditions describes the observed conditions for this image. | | type string | Type describes the content library item type (OVF or ISO) of the image. |


VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPOptionsStatus describes the configured DHCP options.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPStatus

Field Description
enabled boolean Enabled describes whether DHCP is enabled.


VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPStatus describes the configured state of the system-wide DHCP settings for IP4 and IP6.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceIPStatus

Field Description
ip4 VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPOptionsStatus IP4 describes the configured state of the IP4 DHCP settings.
ip6 VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPOptionsStatus IP6 describes the configured state of the IP6 DHCP settings.


VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDNSStatus describes the configured state of the RFC 1034 client-side DNS settings.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceStatus - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigStatus

Field Description
hostName string HostName is the host name portion of the DNS name. For example,
the "my-vm" part of "my-vm.domain.local".
domainName string DomainName is the domain name portion of the DNS name. For example,
the "domain.local" part of "my-vm.domain.local".
nameservers string array Nameservers is a list of the IP addresses for the DNS servers to use.

IP4 addresses are specified using dotted decimal notation. For example, "".

IP6 addresses are 128-bit addresses represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits. A colon separates each field (:). For example, 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff. The address can also consist of the symbol '::' to represent multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous 0's only once in an address as described in RFC 2373. | | searchDomains string array | SearchDomains is a list of domains in which to search for hosts, in the order of preference. |


VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceIPStatus describes the configured state of a VM's network interface's IP configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceStatus

Field Description
dhcp VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDHCPStatus DHCP describes the interface's configured DHCP options.
addresses string array Addresses describes configured IP addresses for this interface.
Addresses include the network's prefix length, ex. or
gateway4 string Gateway4 describes the interface's configured, default, IP4 gateway.

Please note the IP address include the network prefix length, ex. | | gateway6 string | Gateway6 describes the interface's configured, default, IP6 gateway.

Please note the IP address includes the network prefix length, ex. 2001:db8:101::1/64. |


VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceStatus describes the configured state of network interface.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkConfigStatus

Field Description
name string Name describes the corresponding network interface with the same name
in the VM's desired network interface list.

Please note this name is not necessarily related to the name of the device as it is surfaced inside of the guest. | | ip VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceIPStatus | IP describes the interface's configured IP information. | | dns VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDNSStatus | DNS describes the interface's configured DNS information. |


Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkStatus

Field Description
interfaces VirtualMachineNetworkConfigInterfaceStatus array Interfaces describes the configured state of the network interfaces.
dns VirtualMachineNetworkConfigDNSStatus DNS describes the configured state of client-side DNS.


VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPOptionsStatus describes the observed state of DHCP options.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPStatus

Field Description
config KeyValuePair array Config describes platform-dependent settings for the DHCP client.

The key part is a unique number while the value part is the platform specific configuration command. For example on Linux and BSD systems using the file dhclient.conf output would be reported at system scope: key='1', value='timeout 60;' key='2', value='reboot 10;'. The output reported per interface would be: key='1', value='prepend domain-name-servers;' key='2', value='require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;'. | | enabled boolean | Enabled reports the status of the DHCP client services. |


VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPStatus describes the observed state of the client-side, system-wide DHCP settings for IP4 and IP6.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkIPStackStatus - VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPStatus

Field Description
ip4 VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPOptionsStatus IP4 describes the observed state of the IP4 DHCP client settings.
ip6 VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPOptionsStatus IP6 describes the observed state of the IP6 DHCP client settings.


VirtualMachineNetworkDNSStatus describes the observed state of the guest's RFC 1034 client-side DNS settings.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkIPStackStatus - VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceStatus

Field Description
dhcp boolean DHCP indicates whether or not dynamic host control protocol (DHCP) was
used to configure DNS configuration.
hostName string HostName is the host name portion of the DNS name. For example,
the "my-vm" part of "my-vm.domain.local".
domainName string DomainName is the domain name portion of the DNS name. For example,
the "domain.local" part of "my-vm.domain.local".
nameservers string array Nameservers is a list of the IP addresses for the DNS servers to use.

IP4 addresses are specified using dotted decimal notation. For example, "".

IP6 addresses are 128-bit addresses represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits. A colon separates each field (:). For example, 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff. The address can also consist of the symbol '::' to represent multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous 0's only once in an address as described in RFC 2373. | | searchDomains string array | SearchDomains is a list of domains in which to search for hosts, in the order of preference. |


VirtualMachineNetworkIPRouteGatewayStatus describes the observed state of a guest network's IP route's next hop gateway.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkIPRouteStatus

Field Description
device string Device is the name of the device in the guest for which this gateway
address string Address is the IP4 or IP6 address of the gateway.


VirtualMachineNetworkIPRouteStatus describes the observed state of a guest network's IP routes.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkIPStackStatus - VirtualMachineNetworkRouteStatus

Field Description
gateway VirtualMachineNetworkIPRouteGatewayStatus Gateway describes where to send the packets to next.
networkAddress string NetworkAddress is the IP4 or IP6 address of the destination network.

Addresses include the network's prefix length, ex. or 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff::/64.

IP6 addresses are 128-bit addresses represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits. A colon separates each field (:). For example, 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff. The address can also consist of symbol '::' to represent multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous 0's only once in an address as described in RFC 2373. |


VirtualMachineNetworkIPStackStatus describes the observed state of a VM's IP stack.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkStatus

Field Description
dhcp VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPStatus DHCP describes the VM's observed, client-side, system-wide DHCP options.
dns VirtualMachineNetworkDNSStatus DNS describes the VM's observed, client-side DNS configuration.
ipRoutes VirtualMachineNetworkIPRouteStatus array IPRoutes contain the VM's routing tables for all address families.
kernelConfig KeyValuePair array KernelConfig describes the observed state of the VM's kernel IP
configuration settings.

The key part contains a unique number while the value part contains the 'key=value' as provided by the underlying provider. For example, on Linux and/or BSD, the systcl -a output would be reported as: key='5', value='net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200'. |


VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPAddrStatus describes information about a specific IP address.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPStatus

Field Description
address string Address is an IP4 or IP6 address and their network prefix length.

An IP4 address is specified using dotted decimal notation. For example, "".

IP6 addresses are 128-bit addresses represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits. A colon separates each field (:). For example, 2001:DB8:101::230:6eff:fe04:d9ff. The address can also consist of the symbol '::' to represent multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous 0's only once in an address as described in RFC 2373. | | lifetime Time | Lifetime describes when this address will expire. | | origin string | Origin describes how this address was configured. | | state string | State describes the state of this IP address. |


VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPStatus describes the observed state of a VM's network interface's IP configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceStatus

Field Description
autoConfigurationEnabled boolean AutoConfigurationEnabled describes whether or not ICMPv6 router
solicitation requests are enabled or disabled from a given interface.

These requests acquire an IP6 address and default gateway route from zero-to-many routers on the connected network.

If not set then ICMPv6 is not available on this VM. | | dhcp VirtualMachineNetworkDHCPStatus | DHCP describes the VM's observed, client-side, interface-specific DHCP options. | | addresses VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPAddrStatus array | Addresses describes observed IP addresses for this interface. | | macAddr string | MACAddr describes the observed MAC address for this interface. |


VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceSpec describes the desired state of a VM's network interface.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkSpec

Field Description
name string Name describes the unique name of this network interface, used to
distinguish it from other network interfaces attached to this VM.

When the bootstrap provider is Cloud-Init and GuestDeviceName is not specified, the device inside the guest will be renamed to this value. Please note it is up to the user to ensure the provided name does not conflict with any other devices inside the guest, ex. dvd, cdrom, sda, etc. | | network PartialObjectRef | Network is the name of the network resource to which this interface is connected.

If no network is provided, then this interface will be connected to the Namespace's default network. | | guestDeviceName string | GuestDeviceName is used to rename the device inside the guest when the bootstrap provider is Cloud-Init. Please note it is up to the user to ensure the provided device name does not conflict with any other devices inside the guest, ex. dvd, cdrom, sda, etc. | | addresses string array | Addresses is an optional list of IP4 or IP6 addresses to assign to this interface.

Please note this field is only supported if the connected network supports manual IP allocation.

Please note IP4 and IP6 addresses must include the network prefix length, ex. or 2001:db8:101::a/64.

Please note this field may not contain IP4 addresses if DHCP4 is set to true or IP6 addresses if DHCP6 is set to true.

Please note if the Interfaces field is non-empty then this field is ignored and should be specified on the elements in the Interfaces list. | | dhcp4 boolean | DHCP4 indicates whether or not this interface uses DHCP for IP4 networking.

Please note this field is only supported if the network connection supports DHCP.

Please note this field is mutually exclusive with IP4 addresses in the Addresses field and the Gateway4 field. | | dhcp6 boolean | DHCP6 indicates whether or not this interface uses DHCP for IP6 networking.

Please note this field is only supported if the network connection supports DHCP.

Please note this field is mutually exclusive with IP6 addresses in the Addresses field and the Gateway6 field. | | gateway4 string | Gateway4 is the default, IP4 gateway for this interface.

Please note this field is only supported if the network connection supports manual IP allocation.

If the network connection supports manual IP allocation and the Addresses field includes at least one IP4 address, then this field is required.

Please note the IP address must include the network prefix length, ex.

Please note this field is mutually exclusive with DHCP4. | | gateway6 string | Gateway6 is the primary IP6 gateway for this interface.

Please note this field is only supported if the network connection supports manual IP allocation.

If the network connection supports manual IP allocation and the Addresses field includes at least one IP6 address, then this field is required.

Please note the IP address must include the network prefix length, ex. 2001:db8:101::1/64.

Please note this field is mutually exclusive with DHCP6. | | mtu integer | MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit size in bytes.

Please note this feature is available only with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit. | | nameservers string array | Nameservers is a list of IP4 and/or IP6 addresses used as DNS nameservers.

Please note this feature is available only with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit and Sysprep.

When using CloudInit and UseGlobalNameserversAsDefault is either unset or true, if nameservers is not provided, the global nameservers will be used instead.

Please note that Linux allows only three nameservers ( | | routes VirtualMachineNetworkRouteSpec array | Routes is a list of optional, static routes.

Please note this feature is available only with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit. | | searchDomains string array | SearchDomains is a list of search domains used when resolving IP addresses with DNS.

Please note this feature is available only with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit.

When using CloudInit and UseGlobalSearchDomainsAsDefault is either unset or true, if search domains is not provided, the global search domains will be used instead. |


VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceStatus describes the observed state of a VM's network interface.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkStatus

Field Description
name string Name describes the corresponding network interface with the same name
in the VM's desired network interface list. If unset, then there is no
corresponding entry for this interface.

Please note this name is not necessarily related to the name of the device as it is surfaced inside of the guest. | | deviceKey integer | DeviceKey describes the unique hardware device key of this network interface. | | ip VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceIPStatus | IP describes the observed state of the interface's IP configuration. | | dns VirtualMachineNetworkDNSStatus | DNS describes the observed state of the interface's DNS configuration. |


VirtualMachineNetworkRouteSpec defines a static route for a guest.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceSpec

Field Description
to string To is an IP4 or IP6 address.
via string Via is an IP4 or IP6 address.
metric integer Metric is the weight/priority of the route.


VirtualMachineNetworkSpec defines a VM's desired network configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
hostName string HostName describes the value the guest uses as its host name. If omitted,
the name of the VM will be used.

Please note, this feature is available with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit, LinuxPrep, and Sysprep.

This field must adhere to the format specified in RFC-1034, Section 3.5 for DNS labels:

  • The total length is restricted to 63 characters or less.
  • The total length is restricted to 15 characters or less on Windows systems.
  • The value may begin with a digit per RFC-1123.
  • Underscores are not allowed.
  • Dashes are permitted, but not at the start or end of the value.
  • Symbol unicode points, such as emoji, are permitted, ex. ✓. However, please notes that the use of emoji, even where allowed, may not compatible with the guest operating system, so it recommended to stick with more common characters for this value.
  • The value may be a valid IP4 or IP6 address. Please note, the use of an IP address for a host name is not compatible with all guest operating systems and is discouraged. Additionally, using an IP address for the host name is disallowed if is non-empty.

Please note, the combined values of and may not exceed 255 characters in length. | | domainName string | DomainName describes the value the guest uses as its domain name.

Please note, this feature is available with the following bootstrap providers: CloudInit, LinuxPrep, and Sysprep.

This field must adhere to the format specified in RFC-1034, Section 3.5 for DNS names:

  • When joined with the host name, the total length is restricted to 255 characters or less.
  • Individual segments must be 63 characters or less.
  • The top-level domain( ex. ".com"), is at least two letters with no special characters.
  • Underscores are not allowed.
  • Dashes are permitted, but not at the start or end of the value.
  • Long, top-level domain names (ex. ".london") are permitted.
  • Symbol unicode points, such as emoji, are disallowed in the top-level domain.

Please note, the combined values of and may not exceed 255 characters in length.

When deploying a guest running Microsoft Windows, this field describes the domain the computer should join. | | disabled boolean | Disabled is a flag that indicates whether or not to disable networking for this VM.

When set to true, the VM is not configured with a default interface nor any specified from the Interfaces field. | | nameservers string array | Nameservers is a list of IP4 and/or IP6 addresses used as DNS nameservers. These are applied globally.

Please note global nameservers are only available with the following bootstrap providers: LinuxPrep and Sysprep. The Cloud-Init bootstrap provider supports per-interface nameservers. However, when Cloud-Init is used and UseGlobalNameserversAsDefault is true, the global nameservers will be used when the per-interface nameservers is not provided.

Please note that Linux allows only three nameservers ( | | searchDomains string array | SearchDomains is a list of search domains used when resolving IP addresses with DNS. These are applied globally.

Please note global search domains are only available with the following bootstrap providers: LinuxPrep and Sysprep. The Cloud-Init bootstrap provider supports per-interface search domains. However, when Cloud-Init is used and UseGlobalSearchDomainsAsDefault is true, the global search domains will be used when the per-interface search domains is not provided. | | interfaces VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceSpec array | Interfaces is the list of network interfaces used by this VM.

If the Interfaces field is empty and the Disabled field is false, then a default interface with the name eth0 will be created.

The maximum number of network interface allowed is 10 because a vSphere virtual machine may not have more than 10 virtual ethernet card devices. |


VirtualMachineNetworkStatus defines the observed state of a VM's network configuration.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineStatus

Field Description
config VirtualMachineNetworkConfigStatus Config describes the resolved, configured network settings for the VM,
such as an interface's IP address obtained from IPAM, or global DNS

Please note this information does not represent the observed network state of the VM, but is intended for situations where someone boots a VM with no appropriate bootstrap engine and needs to know the network config valid for the deployed VM. | | interfaces VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceStatus array | Interfaces describes the status of the VM's network interfaces. | | ipStacks VirtualMachineNetworkIPStackStatus array | IPStacks describes information about the guest's configured IP networking stacks. | | primaryIP4 string | PrimaryIP4 describes the VM's primary IP4 address.

If the bootstrap provider is CloudInit then this value is set to the value of the VM's "guestinfo.local-ipv4" property. Please see for more information on how this value is calculated.

If the bootstrap provider is anything else then this field is set to the value of the infrastructure VM's "guest.ipAddress" field. Please see for more information. | | primaryIP6 string | PrimaryIP6 describes the VM's primary IP6 address.

If the bootstrap provider is CloudInit then this value is set to the value of the VM's "guestinfo.local-ipv6" property. Please see for more information on how this value is calculated.

If the bootstrap provider is anything else then this field is set to the value of the infrastructure VM's "guest.ipAddress" field. Please see for more information. |


Underlying type: string

VirtualMachinePowerOpMode represents the various power operation modes when powering off or suspending a VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec


Underlying type: string

VirtualMachinePowerState defines a VM's desired and observed power states.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec - VirtualMachineStatus


VirtualMachinePublishRequestSource is the source of a publication request, typically a VirtualMachine resource.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequestSpec - VirtualMachinePublishRequestStatus

Field Description
name string Name is the name of the referenced object.

If omitted this value defaults to the name of the VirtualMachinePublishRequest resource. | | apiVersion string | APIVersion is the API version of the referenced object. | | kind string | Kind is the kind of referenced object. |


VirtualMachinePublishRequestSpec defines the desired state of a VirtualMachinePublishRequest.

All the fields in this spec are optional. This is especially useful when a DevOps persona wants to publish a VM without doing anything more than applying a VirtualMachinePublishRequest resource that has the same name as said VM in the same namespace as said VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequest

Field Description
source VirtualMachinePublishRequestSource Source is the source of the publication request, ex. a VirtualMachine

If this value is omitted then the publication controller checks to see if there is a resource with the same name as this VirtualMachinePublishRequest resource, an API version equal to spec.source.apiVersion, and a kind equal to spec.source.kind. If such a resource exists, then it is the source of the publication. | | target VirtualMachinePublishRequestTarget | Target is the target of the publication request, ex. item information and a ContentLibrary resource.

If this value is omitted, the controller uses + "-image" as the name of the published item. Additionally, when omitted the controller attempts to identify the target location by matching a resource with an API version equal to, a kind equal to, w/ the label "".

Please note that while optional, if a VirtualMachinePublishRequest sans target information is applied to a namespace without a default publication target, then the VirtualMachinePublishRequest resource will be marked in error. | | ttlSecondsAfterFinished integer | TTLSecondsAfterFinished is the time-to-live duration for how long this resource will be allowed to exist once the publication operation completes. After the TTL expires, the resource will be automatically deleted without the user having to take any direct action.

If this field is unset then the request resource will not be automatically deleted. If this field is set to zero then the request resource is eligible for deletion immediately after it finishes. |


VirtualMachinePublishRequestStatus defines the observed state of a VirtualMachinePublishRequest.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequest

Field Description
sourceRef VirtualMachinePublishRequestSource SourceRef is the reference to the source of the publication request,
ex. a VirtualMachine resource.
targetRef VirtualMachinePublishRequestTarget TargetRef is the reference to the target of the publication request,
ex. item information and a ContentLibrary resource.
completionTime Time CompletionTime represents time when the request was completed. It is not
guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations.
It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC.

The value of this field should be equal to the value of the LastTransitionTime for the status condition Type=Complete. | | startTime Time | StartTime represents time when the request was acknowledged by the controller. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. | | attempts integer | Attempts represents the number of times the request to publish the VM has been attempted. | | lastAttemptTime Time | LastAttemptTime represents the time when the latest request was sent. | | imageName string | ImageName is the name of the VirtualMachineImage resource that is eventually realized in the same namespace as the VM and publication request after the publication operation completes.

This field will not be set until the VirtualMachineImage resource is realized. | | ready boolean | Ready is set to true only when the VM has been published successfully and the new VirtualMachineImage resource is ready.

Readiness is determined by waiting until there is status condition Type=Complete and ensuring it and all other status conditions present have a Status=True. The conditions present will be:

  • SourceValid
  • TargetValid
  • Uploaded
  • ImageAvailable
  • Complete | | conditions Condition array | Conditions is a list of the latest, available observations of the request's current state. |


VirtualMachinePublishRequestTarget is the target of a publication request, typically a ContentLibrary resource.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequestSpec - VirtualMachinePublishRequestStatus

Field Description
item VirtualMachinePublishRequestTargetItem Item contains information about the name of the object to which
the VM is published.

Please note this value is optional and if omitted, the controller will use + "-image" as the name of the published item. | | location VirtualMachinePublishRequestTargetLocation | Location contains information about the location to which to publish the VM. |


VirtualMachinePublishRequestTargetItem is the item part of a publication request's target.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequestTarget

Field Description
name string Name is the name of the published object.

If the equals and the equals ContentLibrary, then this should be the name that will show up in vCenter Content Library, not the custom resource name in the namespace.

If omitted then the controller will use + "-image". | | description string | Description is the description to assign to the published object. |


VirtualMachinePublishRequestTargetLocation is the location part of a publication request's target.

Appears in: - VirtualMachinePublishRequestTarget

Field Description
name string Name is the name of the referenced object.

Please note an error will be returned if this field is not set in a namespace that lacks a default publication target.

A default publication target is a resource with an API version equal to, a kind equal to, and has the label "". | | apiVersion string | APIVersion is the API version of the referenced object. | | kind string | Kind is the kind of referenced object. |


VirtualMachineReadinessProbeSpec describes a probe used to determine if a VM is in a ready state. All probe actions are mutually exclusive.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
tcpSocket TCPSocketAction TCPSocket specifies an action involving a TCP port.

Deprecated: The TCPSocket action requires network connectivity that is not supported in all environments. This field will be removed in a later API version. | | guestHeartbeat GuestHeartbeatAction | GuestHeartbeat specifies an action involving the guest heartbeat status. | | guestInfo GuestInfoAction array | GuestInfo specifies an action involving key/value pairs from GuestInfo.

The elements are evaluated with the logical AND operator, meaning all expressions must evaluate as true for the probe to succeed.

For example, a VM resource's probe definition could be specified as the following:

    - key:   ready
      value: true

With the above configuration in place, the VM would not be considered ready until the GuestInfo key "ready" was set to the value "true".

From within the guest operating system it is possible to set GuestInfo key/value pairs using the program "vmware-rpctool," which is included with VM Tools. For example, the following command will set the key "guestinfo.ready" to the value "true":

    vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.ready true"

Once executed, the VM's readiness probe will be signaled and the VM resource will be marked as ready. | | timeoutSeconds integer | TimeoutSeconds specifies a number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1. | | periodSeconds integer | PeriodSeconds specifics how often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Defaults to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1. |


VirtualMachineReplicaSetSpec is the specification of a VirtualMachineReplicaSet.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReplicaSet

Field Description
replicas integer Replicas is the number of desired replicas.
This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and unspecified.
Defaults to 1.
deletePolicy string DeletePolicy defines the policy used to identify nodes to delete when downscaling.
Only supported deletion policy is "Random".
selector LabelSelector Selector is a label to query over virtual machines that should match the
replica count. A virtual machine's label keys and values must match in order
to be controlled by this VirtualMachineReplicaSet.

It must match the VirtualMachine template's labels. More info: | | template VirtualMachineTemplateSpec | Template is the object that describes the virtual machine that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. |


VirtualMachineReplicaSetStatus represents the observed state of a VirtualMachineReplicaSet resource.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReplicaSet

Field Description
replicas integer Replicas is the most recently observed number of replicas.
fullyLabeledReplicas integer FullyLabeledReplicas is the number of replicas that have labels matching the
labels of the virtual machine template of the VirtualMachineReplicaSet.
readyReplicas integer ReadyReplicas is the number of ready replicas for this VirtualMachineReplicaSet. A
virtual machine is considered ready when it's "Ready" condition is marked as
observedGeneration integer ObservedGeneration reflects the generation of the most recently observed
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of a
VirtualMachineReplicaSet's current state.


VirtualMachineReservedSpec describes a set of VM configuration options reserved for system use. Modification attempts by DevOps users will result in a validation error.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
resourcePolicyName string


VirtualMachineResourceSpec describes a virtual hardware policy specification.

Appears in: - ResourcePoolSpec - VirtualMachineClassResources

Field Description
cpu Quantity
memory Quantity


VirtualMachineServicePort describes the specification of a service port to be exposed by a VirtualMachineService. This VirtualMachineServicePort specification includes attributes that define the external and internal representation of the service port.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineServiceSpec

Field Description
name string Name describes the name to be used to identify this
protocol string Protocol describes the Layer 4 transport protocol for this port.
Supports "TCP", "UDP", and "SCTP".
port integer Port describes the external port that will be exposed by the service.
targetPort integer TargetPort describes the internal port open on a VirtualMachine that
should be mapped to the external Port.


VirtualMachineServiceSpec defines the desired state of VirtualMachineService.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineService

Field Description
type VirtualMachineServiceType Type specifies a desired VirtualMachineServiceType for this
VirtualMachineService. Supported types are ClusterIP, LoadBalancer,
ports VirtualMachineServicePort array Ports specifies a list of VirtualMachineServicePort to expose with this
VirtualMachineService. Each of these ports will be an accessible network
entry point to access this service by.
selector object (keys:string, values:string) Selector specifies a map of key-value pairs, also known as a Label
Selector, that is used to match this VirtualMachineService with the set
of VirtualMachines that should back this VirtualMachineService.
loadBalancerIP string LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field.
Only applies to VirtualMachineService Type: LoadBalancer
This feature depends on whether the underlying load balancer provider
supports specifying the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created.
This field will be ignored if the provider does not support the feature.
Deprecated: This field was under-specified and its meaning varies across implementations.
Using it is non-portable and it may not support dual-stack.
Users are encouraged to use implementation-specific annotations when available.
loadBalancerSourceRanges string array LoadBalancerSourceRanges is an array of IP addresses in the format of
CIDRs, for example: and
If specified and supported by the load balancer provider, this will
restrict ingress traffic to the specified client IPs. This field will be
ignored if the provider does not support the feature.
clusterIp string ClusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned
randomly by the master. If an address is specified manually and is not in
use by others, it will be allocated to the service; otherwise, creation
of the service will fail. This field can not be changed through updates.
Valid values are "None", empty string (""), or a valid IP address. "None"
can be specified for headless services when proxying is not required.
Only applies to types ClusterIP and LoadBalancer.
Ignored if type is ExternalName.
More info:
externalName string ExternalName is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will
return as a CNAME record for this service. No proxying will be involved.
Must be a valid RFC-1123 hostname (
and requires Type to be ExternalName.


VirtualMachineServiceStatus defines the observed state of VirtualMachineService.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineService

Field Description
loadBalancer LoadBalancerStatus LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load balancer,
if one is present.


Underlying type: string

VirtualMachineServiceType string describes ingress methods for a service.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineServiceSpec


VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicySpec defines the desired state of VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy

Field Description
resourcePool ResourcePoolSpec
folder string
clusterModuleGroups string array


VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicyStatus defines the observed state of VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSetResourcePolicy

Field Description
clustermodules VSphereClusterModuleStatus array


VirtualMachineSpec defines the desired state of a VirtualMachine.

Appears in: - VirtualMachine - VirtualMachineTemplateSpec

Field Description
cdrom VirtualMachineCdromSpec array Cdrom describes the desired state of the VM's CD-ROM devices.

Each CD-ROM device requires a reference to an ISO-type VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource as backing.

Multiple CD-ROM devices using the same backing image, regardless of image kinds (namespace or cluster scope), are not allowed.

CD-ROM devices can be added, updated, or removed when the VM is powered off. When the VM is powered on, only the connection state of existing CD-ROM devices can be changed. CD-ROM devices are attached to the VM in the specified list-order. | | image VirtualMachineImageRef | Image describes the reference to the VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource used to deploy this VM.

Please note, unlike the field spec.imageName, the value of MUST be a Kubernetes object name.

Please also note, when creating a new VirtualMachine, if this field and spec.imageName are both non-empty, then they must refer to the same resource or an error is returned.

Please note, this field may be empty if the VM was imported instead of deployed by VM Operator. An imported VirtualMachine resource references an existing VM on the underlying platform that was not deployed from a VM image. | | imageName string | ImageName describes the name of the image resource used to deploy this VM.

This field may be used to specify the name of a VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource. The resolver first checks to see if there is a VirtualMachineImage with the specified name in the same namespace as the VM being deployed. If no such resource exists, the resolver then checks to see if there is a ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource with the specified name.

This field may also be used to specify the display name (vSphere name) of a VirtualMachineImage or ClusterVirtualMachineImage resource. If the display name unambiguously resolves to a distinct VM image (among all existing VirtualMachineImages in the VM's namespace and all existing ClusterVirtualMachineImages), then a mutation webhook updates the spec.image field with the reference to the resolved VM image. If the display name resolves to multiple or no VM images, then the mutation webhook denies the request and returns an error.

Please also note, when creating a new VirtualMachine, if this field and spec.image are both non-empty, then they must refer to the same resource or an error is returned.

Please note, this field may be empty if the VM was imported instead of deployed by VM Operator. An imported VirtualMachine resource references an existing VM on the underlying platform that was not deployed from a VM image. | | className string | ClassName describes the name of the VirtualMachineClass resource used to deploy this VM.

Please note, this field may be empty if the VM was imported instead of deployed by VM Operator. An imported VirtualMachine resource references an existing VM on the underlying platform that was not deployed from a VM class. | | crypto VirtualMachineCryptoSpec | Crypto describes the desired encryption state of the VirtualMachine. | | storageClass string | StorageClass describes the name of a Kubernetes StorageClass resource used to configure this VM's storage-related attributes.

Please see for more information on Kubernetes storage classes. | | bootstrap VirtualMachineBootstrapSpec | Bootstrap describes the desired state of the guest's bootstrap configuration.

If omitted, a default bootstrap method may be selected based on the guest OS identifier. If Linux, then the LinuxPrep method is used. | | network VirtualMachineNetworkSpec | Network describes the desired network configuration for the VM.

Please note this value may be omitted entirely and the VM will be assigned a single, virtual network interface that is connected to the Namespace's default network. | | powerState VirtualMachinePowerState | PowerState describes the desired power state of a VirtualMachine.

Please note this field may be omitted when creating a new VM and will default to "PoweredOn." However, once the field is set to a non-empty value, it may no longer be set to an empty value.

Additionally, setting this value to "Suspended" is not supported when creating a new VM. The valid values when creating a new VM are "PoweredOn" and "PoweredOff." An empty value is also allowed on create since this value defaults to "PoweredOn" for new VMs. | | powerOffMode VirtualMachinePowerOpMode | PowerOffMode describes the desired behavior when powering off a VM.

There are three, supported power off modes: Hard, Soft, and TrySoft. The first mode, Hard, is the equivalent of a physical system's power cord being ripped from the wall. The Soft mode requires the VM's guest to have VM Tools installed and attempts to gracefully shutdown the VM. Its variant, TrySoft, first attempts a graceful shutdown, and if that fails or the VM is not in a powered off state after five minutes, the VM is halted.

If omitted, the mode defaults to TrySoft. | | suspendMode VirtualMachinePowerOpMode | SuspendMode describes the desired behavior when suspending a VM.

There are three, supported suspend modes: Hard, Soft, and TrySoft. The first mode, Hard, is where vSphere suspends the VM to disk without any interaction inside of the guest. The Soft mode requires the VM's guest to have VM Tools installed and attempts to gracefully suspend the VM. Its variant, TrySoft, first attempts a graceful suspend, and if that fails or the VM is not in a put into standby by the guest after five minutes, the VM is suspended.

If omitted, the mode defaults to TrySoft. | | nextRestartTime string | NextRestartTime may be used to restart the VM, in accordance with RestartMode, by setting the value of this field to "now" (case-insensitive).

A mutating webhook changes this value to the current time (UTC), which the VM controller then uses to determine the VM should be restarted by comparing the value to the timestamp of the last time the VM was restarted.

Please note it is not possible to schedule future restarts using this field. The only value that users may set is the string "now" (case-insensitive). | | restartMode VirtualMachinePowerOpMode | RestartMode describes the desired behavior for restarting a VM when spec.nextRestartTime is set to "now" (case-insensitive).

There are three, supported suspend modes: Hard, Soft, and TrySoft. The first mode, Hard, is where vSphere resets the VM without any interaction inside of the guest. The Soft mode requires the VM's guest to have VM Tools installed and asks the guest to restart the VM. Its variant, TrySoft, first attempts a soft restart, and if that fails or does not complete within five minutes, the VM is hard reset.

If omitted, the mode defaults to TrySoft. | | volumes VirtualMachineVolume array | Volumes describes a list of volumes that can be mounted to the VM. | | readinessProbe VirtualMachineReadinessProbeSpec | ReadinessProbe describes a probe used to determine the VM's ready state. | | advanced VirtualMachineAdvancedSpec | Advanced describes a set of optional, advanced VM configuration options. | | reserved VirtualMachineReservedSpec | Reserved describes a set of VM configuration options reserved for system use.

Please note attempts to modify the value of this field by a DevOps user will result in a validation error. | | minHardwareVersion integer | MinHardwareVersion describes the desired, minimum hardware version.

The logic that determines the hardware version is as follows:

  1. If this field is set, then its value is used.
  2. Otherwise, if the VirtualMachineClass used to deploy the VM contains a non-empty hardware version, then it is used.
  3. Finally, if the hardware version is still undetermined, the value is set to the default hardware version for the Datacenter/Cluster/Host where the VM is provisioned.

This field is never updated to reflect the derived hardware version. Instead, VirtualMachineStatus.HardwareVersion surfaces the observed hardware version.

Please note, setting this field's value to N ensures a VM's hardware version is equal to or greater than N. For example, if a VM's observed hardware version is 10 and this field's value is 13, then the VM will be upgraded to hardware version 13. However, if the observed hardware version is 17 and this field's value is 13, no change will occur.

Several features are hardware version dependent, for example:

  • NVMe Controllers >= 14
  • Dynamic Direct Path I/O devices >= 17

Please refer to for a list of VM hardware versions.

It is important to remember that a VM's hardware version may not be downgraded and upgrading a VM deployed from an image based on an older hardware version to a more recent one may result in unpredictable behavior. In other words, please be careful when choosing to upgrade a VM to a newer hardware version. | | instanceUUID string | InstanceUUID describes the desired Instance UUID for a VM. If omitted, this field defaults to a random UUID. This value is only used for the VM Instance UUID, it is not used within cloudInit. This identifier is used by VirtualCenter to uniquely identify all virtual machine instances, including those that may share the same BIOS UUID. | | biosUUID string | BiosUUID describes the desired BIOS UUID for a VM. If omitted, this field defaults to a random UUID. When the bootstrap provider is Cloud-Init, this value is used as the default value for spec.bootstrap.cloudInit.instanceID if it is omitted. | | guestID string | GuestID describes the desired guest operating system identifier for a VM.

The logic that determines the guest ID is as follows:

If this field is set, then its value is used. Otherwise, if the VM is deployed from an OVF template that defines a guest ID, then that value is used. The guest ID from VirtualMachineClass used to deploy the VM is ignored.

For a complete list of supported values, refer to Note that some guest ID values may require a minimal hardware version, which can be set using the spec.minHardwareVersion field. To see the mapping between virtual hardware versions and the product versions that support a specific guest ID, visit the following link:

Please note that this field is immutable after the VM is powered on. To change the guest ID after the VM is powered on, the VM must be powered off and then powered on again with the updated guest ID spec.

This field is required when the VM has any CD-ROM devices attached. |


VirtualMachineStatus defines the observed state of a VirtualMachine instance.

Appears in: - VirtualMachine

Field Description
class LocalObjectRef Class is a reference to the VirtualMachineClass resource used to deploy
this VM.
host string Host describes the hostname or IP address of the infrastructure host
where the VM is executed.
powerState VirtualMachinePowerState PowerState describes the observed power state of the VirtualMachine.
conditions Condition array Conditions describes the observed conditions of the VirtualMachine.
crypto VirtualMachineCryptoStatus Crypto describes the observed state of the VirtualMachine's encryption
network VirtualMachineNetworkStatus Network describes the observed state of the VM's network configuration.
Please note much of the network status information is only available if
the guest has VM Tools installed.
uniqueID string UniqueID describes a unique identifier that is provided by the underlying
infrastructure provider, such as vSphere.
biosUUID string BiosUUID describes a unique identifier provided by the underlying
infrastructure provider that is exposed to the Guest OS BIOS as a unique
hardware identifier.
instanceUUID string InstanceUUID describes the unique instance UUID provided by the
underlying infrastructure provider, such as vSphere.
volumes VirtualMachineVolumeStatus array Volumes describes the observed state of the volumes that are intended to
be attached to the VirtualMachine.
changeBlockTracking boolean ChangeBlockTracking describes whether or not change block tracking is
enabled for the VirtualMachine.
zone string Zone describes the availability zone where the VirtualMachine has been

Please note this field may be empty when the cluster is not zone-aware. | | lastRestartTime Time | LastRestartTime describes the last time the VM was restarted. | | hardwareVersion integer | HardwareVersion describes the VirtualMachine resource's observed hardware version.

Please refer to VirtualMachineSpec.MinHardwareVersion for more information on the topic of a VM's hardware version. | | storage VirtualMachineStorageStatus | Storage describes the observed state of the VirtualMachine's storage. |


VirtualMachineStorageStatus defines the observed state of a VirtualMachine's storage.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineStatus

Field Description
committed Quantity Committed is the total storage space committed to this VirtualMachine.
uncommitted Quantity Uncommitted is the total storage space potentially used by this
unshared Quantity Unshared is the total storage space occupied by this VirtualMachine that
is not shared with any other VirtualMachine.


VirtualMachineTemplateSpec describes the data needed to create a VirtualMachine from a template.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineReplicaSetSpec

Field Description
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec VirtualMachineSpec Specification of the desired behavior of each replica virtual machine.


VirtualMachineVolume represents a named volume in a VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineSpec

Field Description
name string Name represents the volume's name. Must be a DNS_LABEL and unique within
the VM.
persistentVolumeClaim PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim
in the same namespace.

More information is available at |


Appears in: - VirtualMachineVolumeStatus

Field Description
providerID string ProviderID describes the provider ID used to encrypt the volume.
Please note, this field will be empty if the volume is not
keyID string KeyID describes the key ID used to encrypt the volume.
Please note, this field will be empty if the volume is not


Underlying type: string

VirtualMachineVolumeProvisioningMode is the type used to express the desired or observed provisioning mode for a virtual machine disk.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineAdvancedSpec


VirtualMachineVolumeSource represents the source location of a volume to mount. Only one of its members may be specified.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineVolume

Field Description
persistentVolumeClaim PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim
in the same namespace.

More information is available at |


VirtualMachineVolumeStatus defines the observed state of a VirtualMachineVolume instance.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineStatus

Field Description
name string Name is the name of the attached volume.
type VirtualMachineVolumeType Type is the type of the attached volume.
crypto VirtualMachineVolumeCryptoStatus Crypto describes the volume's encryption status.
limit Quantity Limit describes the storage limit for the volume.
used Quantity Used describes the observed, non-shared size of the volume on disk.
For example, if this is a linked-clone's boot volume, this value
represents the space consumed by the linked clone, not the parent.
attached boolean Attached represents whether a volume has been successfully attached to
the VirtualMachine or not.
diskUUID string DiskUUID represents the underlying virtual disk UUID and is present when
attachment succeeds.
error string Error represents the last error seen when attaching or detaching a
volume. Error will be empty if attachment succeeds.


Underlying type: string

VirtualMachineVolumeType describes the type of a VirtualMachine volume.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineVolumeStatus


VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequestSpec describes the desired state for a web console request to a VM.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequest

Field Description
name string Name is the name of a VM in the same Namespace as this web console
publicKey string PublicKey is used to encrypt the status.response. This is expected to be a RSA OAEP public key in X.509 PEM format.


VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequestStatus describes the observed state of the request.

Appears in: - VirtualMachineWebConsoleRequest

Field Description
response string Response will be the authenticated ticket corresponding to this web console request.
expiryTime Time ExpiryTime is the time at which access via this request will expire.
proxyAddr string ProxyAddr describes the host address and optional port used to access
the VM's web console.

The value could be a DNS entry, IPv4, or IPv6 address, followed by an optional port. For example, valid values include:



    * 1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234
    * [1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234]:6443
    * 1234:1234:1234:0000:0000:0000:1234:1234
    * 1234:1234:1234::::1234:1234
    * [1234:1234:1234::::1234:1234]:6443

In other words, the field may be set to any value that is parsable by Go's and functions. |